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His Timing, Not Ours

Writer: Life in Christ Life in Christ

I can say that in my walk with the Lord, I have struggled in the past with waiting. We live in a society today where everything is instant. Instant delivery. Instant food. So we expect God to adjust to the times we live in and want instant blessings. Instant answers. We want everything right after we pray and can I tell you that God does not adjust to the times, but we must adjust ourselves to His timing. God can in fact do things in an instant and I will not take that away from His characteristics, BUT if you always expect something right then and there, you will be disappointed at the times it doesn’t happen in the time you want it to.

When we pray, God tells us in Psalm 65:2 that He is in fact a hearer and an answerer of prayer so it’s not a matter of Him hearing it or answering it, but a matter of when we will see this prayer come to pass in our lives. Often times, the enemy will try to come and tell us that God did not hear us and that it won’t work or come to pass, but we know that in John 8:44 that satan is the “father of lies”.

Depending on your prayer, God has to prepare you for it. He knows you better than you know yourself and if you are at place where you are not ready to receive this blessing, He will in fact make you wait and develop you so that when it does come to pass, you will be ready for it. God shows this when in Isaiah 60:22 He says “at the right time, I the Lord will make it happen.” So this shows me that there is a right time and also a wrong time. God always wants you to step into your breakthrough or answered prayer at the “right time”.

However, if we are impatient, something that was originally a blessing can turn into a burden if we are not ready or prepared spiritually for it. If there’s anything the enemy wants you to do, it’s to fail and he knows that if you rush something it won’t work out. So he will pressure you to and do it in your own ability in fear or distrust.

This reminds me of Abraham and Sarah. God told him that he would be the father of many nations and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:4). Although Abraham and his wife Sarah were unable to conceive due to their age, Abraham believed God. However, Sarah decided that instead of waiting for the promise, she would convince her husband Abraham to bear a son with the slave Hagar in an effort to bring the promise to pass in their own ability birthing Ishmael. (Genesis 16:1-4) The consequence of this one action birthed a nation that would soon come against Israel and the people of God. Through the Lord’s mercy, Abraham and Sarah were still able to conceive the son of the promise Isaac (Genesis 21:1-3)

This example shows us that yes, God is merciful and is a redeemer of our mistakes BUT what if we don’t miss it and wait on God? We could prevent so much confusion, pain and stress!

I want to encourage you today to look back at the example you just read and realize that God wants to bless you in His perfect timing! Remember, there is a right time and a wrong time! Step into your blessing in the right time and trust the process along the way! God is preparing you for big things!



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